So you want to do High Availability Algorand stuff. But algod, your trusty portal to and from the Algorand blockchain, can betray you in a number of ways:

  • It can go down for upgrades. algod must be up to date to keep syncing. It is recommended to set up a cron job to attempt to update algod every day. This will usually include some downtime ~we\ think~
  • It can go down for not upgrading. We had a (non-production) algod which got stuck on a particular block. After looking into it, it was a couple of versions old, and after a pre-agreed-upon round, it just stopped syncing. Updating was quickish - the update script worked great, but it did require some time to migrate/rebuid some index files to the latest version.
  • It can get stuck, or be left behind, because software is hard, complicated and unpredictable in fascinating ways.

We are building a bunch of stuff on Algorand, and one of them definitely requires H/A - the AlgoFi Borrow Utilization Monitoring Service. This puppy will keep track of every AlgoFi account's utilization percentage, as well as the AlgoFi oracle lending prices, in order to calculate borrow utilization and notify users when theirs exceeds whatever threshold they have specified. We want this done at every single block, 24/7/365, guaranteed.

2023 update: This particular service never materialized due to lack of user interest & size of market.

We want our algods to stay up to date, but we also don't want to have to upgrade manually, and we definitely don't want rotten vegetables thrown at us by angry users who were liquidated while our service was unavailable due to technical reasons.

We looked around for a load balancer for algod but didn't find any. What a great excuse to write one!

Our load balancer is called algod-loadb. It load balances HTTP calls to algod, supporting the v2 endpoints, and has so far worked with every client we have thrown at it, like (javascript) algosdk, js-algofi-lend-sdk, and so on. It supports msgpack formats as well as JSON. We have successfully posted transactions through it to the blockchain.

How work?

We configure the load balancer with a number of backend algods. When it starts up, it polls each backend for its status, from which it gets the current round. It then keeps polling /v2/status/wait-for-block-after/${last_round} to be notified when that algod steps forward into the next round.

When an HTTP request comes in, it gets the "synced" backends (that are on the latest round known to the load balancer) and picks one at random to route to. This means that if an algod goes down, or gets stuck on a round, it will take at most 4.5s to be taken out of circulation.

It is also aware of archival nodes vs normal nodes, as the former have the full chain from round zero, and the latter only keep around the last 1000 blocks, so if a request comes in for /v2/blocks/1024, it knows to route the request to an archival backend, if there is one connected. If not, it will just route to a synced node at random so that the error message is the expected one from algod.

The only /v2/ route we have re-implemented is /v2/wait-for-block-after/x. We have tried to match the algod behaviour as closely as possible (down to the error message thrown if the round number provided is not valid). Our implementation of this endpoint will return the status when the first available backend reaches the desired round number. Why mess with perfection and reimplement this endpoint? Well, if we left it unchanged and routed it to a synced backend, that backend could crash or become stale, and the client application would never know something went wrong. But with its strategic placement, algod-loadb can improve the outcome of this scenario and transparently ignore the backend that becomes stale, always giving up to date information to clients asking for the wait-for-block-after endpoint.

Some other nice-to-have we included:

  • Graceful shutdown: it waits for currently pending requests to finish before shutting down (up to a configurable number of seconds)
  • Graceful startup: The client-facing HTTP server is usually up first, before algod-loadb knows the state of the backends. Any requests that come in bright and early during this period are put on a queue and served as soon as we have a backend ready.

Some guiding principles we aspired to:

  • Don't break the contract. When we reimplement an algod route (just the one we mentioned above, so far) we do our best to be as algod as possible. With an algod mustache and that algod haircut.
  • Always route requests to a synced backend. If we just round-robined available backends without keeping their last-round into account, we could return "block X is ready" from a backend that is slightly ahead, and then route a request for /v2/blocks/x to a slightly-behind backend that tells the user "failed to retrieve information from the ledger", a.k.a. "I don't have that block". No bueno.
  • Don't always route to a synced backend: The exception to the above is the /v2/blocks/x route, which for small enough values of x (more than 1000 rounds behind current round) will be routed primarily based on the archival-ness of backends, rather than their sync-ness.

What we get out of using it:

  • High availability even during algod upgrades
  • Protection from algod nodes becoming stale
  • Higher performance (maybe) by splitting load into different algod backends


  • Written in JavaScript using express. If performance becomes a consideration we can look into rewriting it with node-cluster so it can use more CPUs, but for our use cases it has been more than enough. If it becomes popular or we get funded for it, we will rewrite it in TypeScript for some added peace of mind.

It was genuinely fun writing algod-loadb.

Sound good? Would you have use for such a thing? If so, let us know and push us towards open sourcing it.